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2018-10-03 SB min.
Town of Princeton, Mass., Selectboard Meeting Minutes
– October 3, 2018 – 6 PM – Town Hall Annex
        Present:  Chair Richard Bisk, Karen Cruise & Edith Morgan w/ student member Kimberly Union and TA Nina Nazarian.

6:30 PM  Richy opened the meeting.

Minutes – The board voted all in favor to approve minutes of Sept. 13 & 17 but not release the Executive Session minutes from Sept. 17.

Release of Executive Session Minutes (Phase I – 2016 minutes that can be released) They also voted all in favor to release executive session minutes from 2016 including January 11th and 25th, February 8th, March 21st and 28th, April 4th and 11th, July 28th and August 8th.
Public Comment – There were no comments from the public.

Charter Update – Nina supplied the Selectboard a copy of the September Charter/Spectrum update which was recently sent out.

Town Administrators FY’19 Goals – The board considered Nina’s draft FY’19 Goals. She explained that eliminating the goal to make further progress on the records housed on the 2nd floor of Bagg Hall was necessary given current resource levels and other proposed goals. Given the extensive list of goals between the Selectboard and Town Administrator, the ability to accomplish everything is dependent upon changes in staff (i.e. resignations, etc.), as vacancies will impact resources.

ACTION – The board voted all in favor to accept the Town Administrator’s FY’19 Goals as written, with the understanding that it may not be feasible to accomplish all listed goals given available resources.

Roundtable Meeting in Holden on 9/11 regarding WRSD FY20 Budget, ratify letter – The Town of Holden’s draft letter to WRSD was discussed by the board. Based on a request from Richy, Nina suggested the Selectboard’s vote to amend the reference to the chairperson of the Selectboard.

ACTION – The Selectboard voted to amend the letter to revise the title “Chairman, Princeton Board of Selectmen” to “Chair, Princeton Board of Selectboard” and ratify the letter with a copy sent to Princeton School Cmte. members.

Planning Board Report on Marijuana Issues for Princeton – The board reviewed the Planning Board’s report on Marijuana Issues with Planning Board Chair John Mirick in attendance. In summary, the Planning Board has some concern that a marijuana cultivator could propose to construct a building for totally-enclosed indoor cultivation, and that the building would have the appearance of an industrial facility, out of place on the Princeton residential-agricultural landscape. He explained that site plan review requirement will be proposed as an amendment to the By-Laws at the upcoming Annual Town Meeting so that applicants for a cultivation facility as well as retail facility must obtain site plan approval. He assured the S.B. that the state has very comprehensive regulations around security for cannabis growers as well as processers and retail operations. Also, the S.B. must negotiate a host agreement for a cannabis operation which can include a number of conditions including fees to cover any extra town services.

Facilities Steering Committee Phase II Charge Resident Matthew Lindburg and FSC II Chair Richard Chase were in attendance as they had submitted emails discussing the charge of the committee—discussing if the original goal should be broadened. Previous to these emails, Karen had requested that the Selectboard discuss the FSC II charge as well.

Richard C. explained that the question of whether or not to include the Princeton Center as part of the design is a rather large decision—that is, whether or not to save the façade and, if so, how much of the building to integrate into a new Public Safety Bldg. Two sets of construction documents or schematics may be needed to present the options to the townspeople, but this is not an ideal approach, given potential cost. Richard C. noted that the FSC II wanted to refine cost estimates for whichever option was decided. He also mentioned potentially needing more info from Jones Whitsett Architects who completed the Needs Assessment and Four Buildings Master Plan as well as input from fire and police chiefs as other options evolve, such as a new holding cell for the region being built in West Boylston. Based on the discussion, the Selectboard agreed that it would be beneficial to receive a new proposed draft charge from the FSC II. On a related matter, Richard C. updated the Selectboard that residents will be receiving a list of Q & A from the FSC II soon in their PMLD bills.

Code of Conduct for Committees – Edie has supplied information on this subject, toward a goal to adopt a Code of Conduct for all appointed boards and committees. She will refine the proposed draft for discussion by the Selectboard at a future meeting.

Communication with residents – Selectboard members discussed the proposal of setting a date(s)/time(s) for special, open meetings where residents can discuss matters of interest. This may generate topics that may then go on a future S.B. agenda. These meeting could be on Wednesdays alternating with S.B. regular meetings. The board also considered hosting a Town Buzz as the format. Kimberly Union suggested having a sign-in sheet for people to list topics they are interested in to assist in the facilitation of the proposed meeting.

Authorize TA to sign grant contracts – Nina recommended that the Selectboard authorize the Town Administrator to sign the Community Compact Grant for EMT Training for Police Officers; and an FY’19 earmark from the state to defray costs for Bagg Hall and the Annex.

ACTION – The board voted all in favor to authorize the Town Administrator to sign the Community Compact Grant for EMT Training for Police Officers; and an FY’19 earmark from the state to defray costs for Bagg Hall and the Annex.

State Election Warrant, Vote & Sign – Nina recommended that the Selectboard sign the November 6th State Election Warrant.

ACTION – The board voted all in favor sign the November 6th State Election Warrant.

Appoint Election Officers – At the recommendation of the Town Clerk, Nina recommended that the Selectboard appoint several residents as election officers.

ACTION – The board voted all in favor to appoint as election officers: Patricia Hatch, Leigh Carpenter, and Phyllis Booth for a term through August 5, 2019.

Appoint Open Space Committee member – Nina presented the Expired Term Reminder application form received from Ms. Kim Houde and recommended that the Selectboard appoint her to the Open Space Cmte.

ACTION – The board voted all in favor to appoint Ms. Houde to the Open Space Committee for a term through June 30, 2021, contingent upon being sworn in, and the completion of the Open Meeting Law and Municipal Ethics requirements as well as the return of a signed copy of receipt of the Town of Princeton’s Sexual Harassment Policy.

Senior Tax Work-Off Appointments – Nina presented a list of seniors for the Senior Tax Work-Off program. Fortunately, it is believed that all applicants can be utilized in the 2019 program (with abatements applied in 2020 for hours worked). Nina recommend that the Selectboard appoint the list of residents to the Senior Tax Work-Off Program subject to funding being approved by the Board of Assessors.

ACTION – The board voted all in favor to appoint to the Senior Tax Work-Off Program, subject to funding being approved by the
Board of Assessors: Charlie Albrecht, Linda Albrecht, Phyllis Booth, Marlene Crawford, Jane Fife, Barbara Gates, Joseph Liburdi, Donna MacKenzie, Fran Thomas, Julie Tomforde, Terry Thompson, Beverly Stewart, and Mark Stewart, with the appointments for
Jane Fife and Terry Thompson be expressly stipulated to include the “small town exemption” under M.G.L. c. 268A §20 to allow them to hold multiple positions, as members of the Council on Aging and Senior Tax Work-Off participants.

Rescind Acceptance of Resignation of Assistant Treasurer/Collector & Executive Assistant – The board received a letter by Ms. Amy Drumm requesting that she be permitted to remain as the Town’s Assistant Treasurer/Collector & Executive Assistant.

ACTION – The board voted all in favor to rescind its vote on September 17th to accept Ms. Drumm’s resignation letter.

Accept Notices of Resignation from Alternate Building Inspector & Historical Commission member – The board received a notice of resignation by Mr. Chris Lund who has been serving as the Town’s Alternate Building Inspector and a notice of resignation from Mr. Phil Mighdoll who was serving on the Historical Commission.

ACTION – The Selectboard voted all in favor to accept the resignation from Mr. Chris Lund as the alternate building inspector and Mr. Phil Migdoll as a member of the Historical Commission.

Accept Disclosure of Appearance of Conflict of Interest – Nina had submitted a disclosure for her attendance at the Chamber of Commerce’s Legislative Candidates Reception.

ACTION – The Selectboard voted all in favor to accept the disclosure from Town Administrator Nina Nazarian.

S.B. correspondence:

1. Monty Tech letter on the procedures to appoint representatives to the Monty Tech School Committee. At this time, Princeton does not have any appointments to make.
2. Echo Lake - Letter from the Fire Chief to DCR Commissioner Leo Roy regarding assistance with the proposal for a dry hydrant system.
3. Open Meeting Law Complaint - Response from the Attorney General’s Office regarding Ms. Kathy Conway’s Open Meeting Law Complaint.
4. MassDEP Recycling - Letter from MassDEP regarding their new website:

Town Administrator’s Reports – Edith asked about sale of town-owned properties and Nina reported that the goal is to move the sales (or a portion) of these parcels by the 2019 Annual Town Meeting. The report included an update of the original Community Compact Grants and the planned Bagg Hall office moves. An update on the search for a building inspector noted that in the interim, Nina has requested from the state a 3-month extension for the current inspector, Richard Breagy.

Executive Session 7:45 PM – Richy moved and Edith seconded to go into executive session, and not return to regular session: in accordance with M.G.L. c. 30A, §21: A. Exemption Two – To conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with non-union personnel – police chief. In roll call Edith voted “Aye,” Karen voted “Aye” and Richy voted “Aye.”


Meeting Adjourned  8:28 PM

Respectfully submitted, Marie Auger, Admin. Asst.

S.B. Referenced Documents:  September update from Charter Communications; Town Administrators FY’19 Goals; Town of Holden’s draft letter to WRSD; Planning Board’s report on Marijuana Issues; Letters from resident Matt Lindburg and FSC II Chair Richard Chase; draft Code of Conduct; Community Compact Grant; FY’19 earmark contract;  November 6th State Election Warrant; application form received from Ms. Kim Houde; list of seniors in the Senior Tax Work-Off program; letter by Ms. Amy Drumm; notice of resignation by Chris Lund; notice of resignation from Phil Mighdoll; disclosure of Appearance of Conflict of Interest; Monty Tech appointment procedures letter; Echo Lake by Fire Chief; Open Meeting Law Complaint response from Attorney General’s Office; MassDEP Recycling initiative.

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department